So, In Between the Trees is finally complete and ready for purchase! What an amazing adventure it's been to put my journey through grief and self-discovery into words. Thank you to all the people who stood by me, who ready my poetry and gave me feedback, and to the man who helped make this dream a reality. I can't thank him enough for supporting me, for collaborating with me on this project, and for loving me endlessly everyday.
Distinctive sounds echoed off
the tunnel walls. Women gossiping,
children laughing. Feet back and
forth on the concrete floors. Anxiety
mounted as another train arrived.
Passengers came and went and
the train passed me by.
"I have found a strength that stands like a mountain."
"The more I think about it, the more I realize there is nothing more artistic than to love others." Vincent Van Gogh
"I'm gonna pack my bags and take that journey down the road. Cause over the mountain I see the bright sun shining and I want to live inside the glow."
a vision
It is the deepest desire of every writer, the one we never admit or even dare to speak of: to write a book we can leave as a legacy. And although it is sometimes easy to forget, wanting to be a writer is not about reviews or advances or how many copies are printed or sold. It is much simpler than that, and much more passionate. If you do it right, and if they publish it, you may actually leave something behind that can last forever."